Monday, August 19, 2013

dbgt comparison

dbgt is great

As someone who has watched the entire dragon ball series. I would say that dbgt 

is good. Yup, I said it's good, and I know that over 70% of the people out there 

despise the hell out of this series, but why? What's wrong with it? I've watched 

from dragon ball to dbgt, and I really see nothing wrong at all. So after google 

searching just dragonball gt, not dbgt sucks, but just the name, I found so much 

hate for it, and I would like to show why it's good or at least not horrible.

dbgt or dragonball gt

So ignoring the fact that probably 100% of everyone is gonna say dragonball is 

better out of I just want to talk about dbz, and dbgt. Now, what was dragon ball 

about for the most part? Its title suggests it's about the magical balls, but the 

real intent was all about the fighting, and epicness. From the beginning of 

dragonball z, and onward the whole show was really just about how far you can 

push the boundaries. How much different stuff can you just throw at the show, 

will it be fun or does it work? Who knows, but we're just gonna keeping throwing 

different stuff at it, and see how it plays it. This show ranged from an 

adventure of legendary artifacts to a show of legendary space, and planet 

adventures. We had the power pole, and Master Roshi's bags of ancient items like 

the nimbus, then we had a damn alien tell Goku that he was from a warrior planet 

from outer space. As far as the show went, that was a pretty big leap, but for 

some reason people hated dbgt for it.

why dragonball gt sucks

here are some common complaints:
All about goku
goku seemed like a bad dad
the music sucked
black star balls sucked
no character development
it's not canon
powerlevels were too high
too many plotholes
ending was horrible
vegeta skipped ss3

There are more, but that's the idea. The funny thing is that almost all of the 

complaints for dbgt is applied double for dbz. Goku is not a pure hearted saint, 

I don't know why he's allowed in heaven when all his only real passion is 

fighting, and in that turn he allows much harm to bite him, no, the planet in the 

butt (buu,cell,frieza). A bad dad? Yeah he was always a horrible father. He's a 

horrible husband too. All of you who watch teamfourstar, and laugh at their 

jokes, it's because they're making fun of dbz, exaggerating the flaws. Goku 

doesn't really spend time with his family, he always ditches his wife, and kids 

for his own personal training or 3rd imminent death. You can say it's for the 

planet, but it's not it's for his entertainment to push himself.

The music, seemed fitting, and after watching dbgt with dbz music I can say that 

the dbgt music fits dbgt better, but I will say dbgt music isn't on a par to dbz.

Black star balls suck? Ok, as opposed to normal dragonballs. 

No character development? YEAH that's the entire dragonball series, it's not like 

when they reached dbgt they though "You know what, we need less character 

development," no, it was always like that. The only person who gets any real 

development through the dbz to dbgt series is Vegeta. You see Vegeta as a bad 

ass, cocky jerk, a crybaby, desperate, evil, good, scared, accepting, and caring. 

And dbgt only added to his dilemma which was great. Any other characater from dbz 

had normal development on par with dbgt.

All about Goku, well yeah, it's always been about Goku. However, it is true that 

dbgt does focus more on Goku's power compared to the rest. Dbz does the same, but 

not to that extent.

It's not cannon. That doesn't really hold any weight. Toriyama curved off his 

traditional ways so many times, I don't see how this new team did anything 


The power levels were too high. Well yeah, but in dbz the power levels jumped 

from 500 to over 200million at the end of the series.

Too many plotholes. Dbz has more

Vegeta skipped ss3. Well that's a dbz problem too. Vegeta was supposed to be 

Goku's rival, but they heavily mentioned his time in hfil hindered him. So this 

is a problem for the show itself.

Ending sucks. I liked the ending. (Will explain why)

Why do people hate dragonball gt?

What I think it is is nostalgia. Anyone who watched the show watched it growing 

up, and it got stuck with them. It had to be our top 10 animes we first watched, 

and top 10 animes we loved. Dbz had the most attention out of any of the series. 

It was only til a little later on Toonami that Dragonball, and much later dbgt 

finally got aired. By that time people started hating the hell out of dbgt, and 

surprisingly dragonball too. And as we grew with dbz, maybe we were better able 

to look past flaws, and just focus on the mindless fighting the show gave. To say 

dbgt is horrible is to say dbz is a masterpiece, and why is it? There's just so 

many flaws, and plotholes, facepalm moments that the only way to enjoy it is to 

turn off your brain, and just watch. Trunks pumping himself to get buff, and 

being too bulky thus getting slower was one of the most stupid things. These guys 

are FLYING at the SPEED of LIGHT, and you're telling me that NOW physics affects 

them? And Goku being affected by a heart virus? This man who can handle over 

500million rems of radiation, and heat from energy blasts destroying multiple 

worlds has a virus that can survive in him? I think the love for dbz is just 

nostalgia for or maybe I'm wrong, and I'm missing something.

What do I like about dbgt?

I like how it went back to its normal roots. You can't have a damn dragon ball 

hunt nowadays; everyone will find it in seconds. You gotta expand our suspension 

of disbelief once more, and have it a planet searching scavenger hunt. They 

brought the ozura, and tails back which is neat, because they seemed to discard 

that idea awhile back. The way the fights were set up to me were kind of the same 

as dbz just with different people just with more fodder. Buu to me or kid buu was 

one of the most annoying villains ever, and I put baby (also annoying) a step 

higher on the ladder, cause he wasn't as annoying. Shenron as the center of the 

show, having his reincarnations become the last villains was just wonderful. 

People hated that frieza, and cell were jokes well they were already jokes when 

Pikkon took them out now you just add over 10 more years to Goku's powerlevel, 

and he was able to take them out as a kid in base form easily. I never really 

though of cell, and frieza growing stronger, because they never actually trained. 

 They gave Vegeta (Heart of a prince) his own episode, and gave him redemption by 

making him nearly on par with Goku. I wish they could have done that sooner 

though, but at least they did. Now there's just as much bad stuff I find with the 

show as I do with dbz, but I feel like they got the ending right. The ending that 

well, USED to be the ending for the whole dragonball series was great. Trunks, 

and Pan being one of the main characters at that point pondered that it's time to 

stop relying on the dragonballs, and protect what they truly cared about. Goku 

gave his last farewells to the characters who have been with him since the 

beginning, and left for more adventures. Pan being an old lady we can see that 

peace was finally established amongst their planet, and Goku has been watching 

over it. Goku watches the new generation fight, and gives one last goodbye. And 

Goku is still selfish as always.

dragonball gt conclusion

I'm not gonna say I'm right about this, but I truly believe that dbz, and dbgt 

are pretty much the same thing, and any hate going towards one or the other has 

to do with Nostalgia. I wouldn't say the series as a whole is great, but I will 

say that it's good, because there is no other show like it.

Hope you liked that or disagreed